collaboration with Focus Filmtheater in Arnhem, Asian Movie Night screens
selected Asian films on a regular basis with curated themes and after-movie sessions to open up discussions.
The term 'Asia' is political that conveys not only geography/race but certain colonial/imperial/modern history and owns its narrative. It has been used to frame "others" reinforcing the exoticism, but we would like to invite you to stretch further than that through deepening the cross-cultural understanding. By doing so, we are aware of each country's social issues in a different context and we do care about each other.
Our first selection is Family in the Bubble directed by Minji Ma. It is an autobiographical documentary of the director’s family, showing their struggle in a speculative housing crisis in Seoul. Ma draws an endearing family portrait that manages to capture in its reflection the ugly face of modernization in South Korea, yet it is a witty and charming film.
After the movie, we have also invited Abel Heijkamp from Bond Precaire Woonvormen to have an in-depth discussion and Q&A session with us, on the topics of the current housing crisis in the Netherlands, housing rights, urban planning and squat movement.
The Precarious Housing Union, or in Dutch, Bond Precaire Woonvormen, is a union for those who live either temporarily, insecure or too expensive. The union was started in 2010 and helps organize tenants in solidarity networks to reclaim their housing rights and fight for secure housing for all. We help people to stand up and fight collectively against evictions and the threat of becoming homeless. The union is also organizing or in support of numerous housing protests in Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Groningen, Tilburg and Nijmegen.
Asian Movie Night: Family in the Bubble - Focus Filmtheater Arnhem (
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